Monday, April 22, 2013

King of Thorns

Title: King of Thorns
Author: Mark Lawrence
Author Website:
Rating: 9/10
Pages: 464
Series: Yes- Broken Empire
First Line: I found these pages scattered, teased across the rocks by a fitful wind.

First thing, ummm. This is from the point of a villain. He kills people. Jorg wants to take over the empire (his known world). This involves taking several kingdoms and villages. This book tries not to justify what he does, but you kind of fall into the hole where you what he means. I mean he clearly a genius, necromancer, and evil. But some many things haunt him. One problem the two different tracks are so hard to keep track of. One time your there next time your there. We see him in fits of rage and analyzing. This proves that there are two parts to a story. Well, remember it is a dark book that might get you to question some stuff.

Read it or not: READ!! But Read Prince of Thorns first.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Clockwork Angel

Title: Clockwork Angel 
Author: Cassandra Clare
Author Website:
Rating: 8/10
Pages: 479
First Line: The demon exploded in a shower of ichor and guts.

First, wow. I fell in love with this book. I just love the fantasy, vampires, werewolves, and Nephilim. I find historical fantasy, just so good. Tessa is a shape-shifter {read more to find out}. She goes to London in hopes of finding her brother, but in turn find out of a mysterious world of fantastical creatures. It is an 8/10 because I am being picky. There is some action, yet I find Tessa left out of it. It is more Jem and Will who take the world on. Tessa it takes her some time to realize what is staring her in the face. I felt as if Tessa could maybe have a couple lessons. But all in all it is a good book and the start of a promising trilogy. 

Read it or not: READ IT! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Title: Matched
Author: Ally Condie
Author Website:
Rating: 3/10

*Spoiler Free*
I am really disappointed. Crossed and Matched was a downhill slope. There was no competition between Ky and Xander. She was not a key part of the Rising. Cassia was so weak and unimportant in the Society/ Rising. There was no plot in Matched. It was basically a big subplot. DO NOT READ THE REACHED TRILOGY!!!!!!!

The Xander plot was so bad. I mean Cassia felt that she could no longer "reach" him. So, basically that was her excuse for leaving him. Ky fell in love with Indie and Cassia was just mehh. I really feel it is one of the worst books ever. The romance leaves no action. The romance had no substance.

Read it or not: NOT!!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Title: Matched 
Author: Ally Condie
Author Website:
Rating: 8/10

So, this is not a action book. This is a love, suspense, and dystopia book. Cassia loves the Society. While everything long ago (our world), was unfair people had choices. In the Society, everybody is matched with their perfect husband, perfect job, and everybody dies at eighty. Cassia is waiting for her Match Banquet when she is matched with her best friend Xander. But then she finds Kyle her Match, too. She is forced to choose one. She loves them both, but you can only have one Match. This book shows what miseducation can do to a population. Stuck in the Society will never suit Cassia, but passion will. This book is really more philosophical and deep than it seems. What I liked was the mystery and fleeing love Cassia feels for everyone close to her.

Read it or not: READ IT!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Title: Divergent
Author: Veronica Roth 
Author Website:
Rating: 10/10

Divergent is about a dystopia future. But it is really different than the Hunger Games. Everybody is divided into five different factions based on what they believe in (knowledge, truth, selflessness, bravery, peace). Tris, our heroine, is born to be selfless, but her "test" results say different. In the end she chooses to be brave. She is grueled while being trained. I really felt like I connected with Tris. You feel her. You can connect with her world because she lives in Chicago. But really they know nothing else. What is important is what lurks outside the city fence. But problems always start inside first. The Dauntless (brave) believe in no fears. So, remember Four and test. 

Read it or not: READ IT!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Throne of the Crescent Moon

Title: Throne of the Crescent Moon
Author: Saladin Ahmed
Author Website:
Rating: 9/10

I was questioning this book due to the lack of explanation. Most of us in this country do not know medieval Middle East that well. So, stick to it and you will get it. Just try to keep the names right. I really the adventure between Raseed and Zamia. Raseed is an unemotional ninja freak. Zamia is of an one-person band and a lion shape shifter.There are magical soul eating ghuls and djenn. I like the high fantasy with a kingdom with different kingdoms. Realizing now that makes no sense. People will invoke the name of God as in "God is the Mercy that kills Cruelty!" Adoulla I think is way to pushy and well strict. But the guy uses his mouth  for sure.Raseed is a real religous dude with wicked sword. The guy needs emotional help. Zamia is a kick butt heroine that can be a lion. What I don't understand is that how a ghul causes so much trouble? The book and plot are good, but you need to be 100% focused on the book to read it.

Read it or not: READ IT!